张长东,英国(正版)365官方网站长聘副教授,国家治理研究院副研究员、副院长,西雅图华盛顿大学政治学博士。主要研究制度主义、国家社会关系、财政社会学,对社会科学研究方法也有涉猎。在China Review, Non-Profitand Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Sociological Theory, Politics and Society,《政治学研究》、《公共行政评论》、《经济社会体制比较》,等刊物发表中英文论文20余篇。
该文是张长东老师2017年发表在Sociological Theory刊物上文章的续篇,延续和深化该文中提出的理论。
The Best in Critical Social Inquiry
In today's rapidly changing political and social climate, it's more important than ever for political and social scientists to keep on the cutting edge of critical and analytical thinking on issues vital to society.Politics & Society, a distinguished and respected peer-reviewed quarterly publication, is your best source for such perspectives.
Politics & Societywas established in the late 1960s as an alternative, critical voice of the social sciences. The journal's editorial mission is to encourage a tradition of critical analysis through the development of Marxist, post-Marxist and other radical perspectives. It presents rational and engaged discourse, and reconstructs social inquiry though scholarship that addresses fundamental questions of politics, theory and policy.
Today, the journal remains committed to its founding purposes and continues to publish well-researched articles that raise questions about the way the world is organized politically, economically, and socially.Politics & Society regularly debates such topics as the theory of the state, class analysis, politics of gender, methodological individualism and rational choice, and the future of capitalism and socialism.
Multidisciplinary PerspectiveIn the pages of Politics & Society, you will find theoretical articles, philosophical reflections, and empirical research reflecting a wide range of disciplines including: political science • sociology • economics • history • anthropology • philosophy • law • geography • public policy