




时间:3月14日10:00 地点:廖凯原楼1层134   简介:
Professor Dan Breznitz will speak on the subject and findings of his co-authored book, "Run of the Red Queen: Government, Innovation, Globalization, and Economic Growth in China." This book, published in 2011 from Yale University Press examines the history, patterns, and trajectory of China's high technology industry. The research began with the question of how China innovates and whether this pattern of innovation is sustainable. Using a framework of "structured uncertainty", the book argues that under the conditions of globally fragmented production, and constrained and enabled by different structural aspects of the Chinese state, enterprises in China innovate in many surprising, yet ultimately predictable ways. By examining the different regions which produce the majority of China's IT goods and services, the book finds that each region: Beijing, Shanghai, and the Pearl River Delta, has its own unique innovative strengths and weaknesses and that together they create a strong and highly resilient national innovation system for China. The book argues that given the degree to which this system has become institutionalized, attempting to force Chinese enterprises to engage in novel product innovation would actually be detrimental to the economic health of China in the next 10 to 15 years. Until then, China's strengths in second generation and incremental innovation and development will continue to yield economic returns and the largest number of new jobs, all to the benefit of China. This presentation introduces this research, showing how these findings were made and postulating on the future of China's high tech industry.

Professor Dan Breznitz is Associate Professor of Strategic Management and International Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research emphasizes the different roles of the state in fostering the development of new and emerging industries, particularly high technology industries including ICT. His research has studied the different national and regional systems of innovation in China, the United States, Taiwan, India, France, Finland, Denmark, Israel, and Ireland. His research has been published in two books: Innovation and the State, winner of the Don K. Price Award for best book in Science, Technology and Politics, and Run of the Red Queen (the subject of this presentation). His peer reviewed publications have appeared in Research Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change, Review of International Political Economy, Industry and Innovation, and Business and Politics.
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