



主讲人:Prof. Klaus Segbers
时间:2016年3月4日  星期五 上午10-12点


Klaus Segbers has served as a Professor of Political Science, International Relations and East European Politics at the Free University of Berlin (FUB) since 1996.  He directs the Center for Global Politics, www.global-politics.org, which offers distance learning Master’s program on global politics, as well as seasonal schools in China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Greece and Turkey, and a Graduate School for global politics with four prestigious universities in China. He currently serves as Dean of the FUB Institute for East European Studies.  Prior to that, he was a professor of international relations at the University of Konstanz.  In the winters of 2008/2009, and 2011/12, he was adjunct professor at Columbia University’s SIPA and guest scholar at Stanford University.  From 1985 to 1990, he was a research fellow at the Universities of Bremen and Frankfurt am Main, and from 1990 to 1996 Head of Department at the biggest German think tank, the Foundation for Science and Politics (SWP). He subsequently oversaw various research projects funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. 

Among his latest publications are two edited books Making Global City Regions (Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore, 2007), and Public Challenges, Private Solutions? (Aldershot, Ashgate, 2005). In addition, he published Everything flows ?C Approaches toward a New Understanding of Politics, in: J. Braml, T. Risse, E. Sandschneider (eds.), Yearbook of International Politics, vol. 28, München, 2010, pp. 30-34, and The Emerging Global Landscape and the New Role of Globalizing City Regions, in: Mark Amen, Noah Toly, Patricia McCarney, Klaus Segbers (eds.), Cities and Global Governance. Pp. 33-44, Ashgate, 2011, Debating Flinders. In: Democratic Politics, Vol. 18.1, March 2012, 28-32, The End of Politics?!, in: Sravnitel’naia Politika/ Comparative Politics, 2013, 3, 65 ?C 69, Western members of Asian infrastructure bank can help to keep China honest. In: South China Morning Post, 25.03.2015, A13, Global Cities in the New Global Landscape, Amercian Institute for Contemporary German Studies 2015
Dr. Segbers current research emphasis is on the levels and forms of global governance, especially globalizing city regions, and is related to the patterns of institutional change in different societies and to changing styles of policymaking.  He holds a Ph.D. in history from the University of Bremen and Master degrees in history and political science from the University of Konstanz.  He was born in 1954 in Dortmund, Westphalia, West Germany.

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