主 讲 人: Prof. Barbara Stallings(美国布朗大学威廉?罗德斯研究教授)
主 持 人:张长东(英国(正版)365官方网站副教授)
时 间:5月24日(周三)16:10-17:40
地 点:英国(正版)365官方网站(廖凯原楼)506
Barbara Stallings is the William R. Rhodes Research Professor and Director, Political Economy of Development Program, Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University. She is also the editor of Studies in Comparative International Development. Prof. Stallings has published many books and journal articles.
This talk will discuss a forthcoming book, which offers a new approach to studying foreign aid in the 21st century. While most analysts focus on the differences between traditional and emerging donors, we argue that a more important distinction is between East Asian donors and their Western counterparts. Asian donors ?C Japan, South Korea, and China ?C cross the traditional and emerging divide and demonstrate a particular approach to development that draws on their own dramatic success. Each has gone from being an aid recipient to aid donor in a few decades. They now want to transmit their experiences to their poorer neighbors in East Asia and incorporate them into regional production chains that will further regional success. A case study of Vietnam as a recipient provides the opportunity both to study the foreign aid process and to evaluate the Asian mode of foreign aid.